艾俊川:古籍中“金融”义指“黄金融制而成” 。
期刊 | 创刊年份 |
The Journal of Finance | 1946 |
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis | 1966 |
Journal of Financial Economics | 1974 |
金融研究 | 1980 |
The Review of Financial Studies | 1988 |
协会 | 创办年份 |
The American Finance Association | 1939 |
中国金融学会 | 1950 |
Western Finance Association | 1965 |
European Finance Association | 1974 |
Society for Financial Studies | 1987 |
1981: James Tobin “for his analysis of financial markets and their relations to expenditure decisions, employment, production and prices”.
1985: Franco Modigliani “for his pioneering analyses of saving and of financial markets”.
1990: Harry M. Markowitz, Merton H. Miller and William F. Sharpe “for their pioneering work in the theory of financial economics”.
1997: Robert C. Merton and Myron S. Scholes “for a new method to determine the value of derivatives”.
2003: Robert F. Engle III “for methods of analyzing economic time series with time-varying volatility (ARCH)”. Clive W.J. Granger “for methods of analyzing economic time series with common trends (cointegration)”
2013: Eugene F. Fama, Lars Peter Hansen and Robert J. Shiller “for their empirical analysis of asset prices”.
2017: Richard H. Thaler “for his contributions to behavioural economics”.
Financial engineering is the application of science-based mathematical models to decisions about saving, investing, borrowing, lending, and managing risk. -- by Zvi Bodie
Financial engineering is the application of mathematical methods to the solution of problems in finance. It is also known as financial mathematics, mathematical finance, and computational finance.
Financial engineering draws on tools from applied mathematics, computer science, statistics, and economic theory.
Investment banks, commercial banks, hedge funds, insurance companies, corporate treasuries, and regulatory agencies employ financial engineers.
These businesses apply the methods of financial engineering to such problems as new product development, derivative securities valuation, portfolio structuring, risk management, and scenario simulation.
Quantitative analysis has brought innovation, efficiency and rigor to financial markets and to the investment process.
As the pace of financial innovation accelerates, the need for highly qualified people with specific training in financial engineering continues to grow in all market environments.
BofA Finds Way to Gain From Alibaba IPO Even After Advisory Snub
The Scottish botanist, Robert Brown, gave his name to the random motion of small particles in a liquid. This idea of the random walk has permeated many scientific fields and is commonly used as the model mechanism behind a variety of unpredictable continuous-time processes. The lognormal random walk based on Brownian motion is the classical paradigm for the stock market. See Brown (1827).
the concept of Brownian motion.} He developed a mathematical theory for random walks, a theory rediscovered later by Einstein. He proposed a model for equity prices, a simple normal distribution, and built on it a model for pricing the almost unheard of options. His model contained many of the seeds for later work, but lay `dormant' for many, many years. It is told that his thesis was not a great success and, naturally, Bachelier's work was not appreciated in his lifetime. See Bachelier (1995).
Most option models result in diffusion-type equations. And often these have to be solved numerically. The two main ways of doing this are Monte Carlo and finite differences (a sophisticated version of the binomial model). The very first use of the finite difference method, in which a differential equation is discretized into a difference equation, was by Lewis Fry Richardson in 1911, and used to solve the diffusion equation associated with weather forecasting. See Richardson (1922). Richardson later worked on the mathematics for the causes of war.
Norbert Wiener developed a rigorous theory for Brownian motion, the mathematics of which was to become a necessary modelling device for quantitative finance decades later. The starting point for almost all financial models, the first equation written down in most technical papers, includes the Wiener process as the representation for randomness in asset prices. See Wiener (1923).
The 1970 Nobel Laureate in Economics, Paul Samuelson, was responsible for setting the tone for subsequent generations of economists. Samuelson 'mathematized' both macro and micro economics. He rediscovered Bachelier's thesis and laid the foundations for later option pricing theories. His approach to derivative pricing was via expectations, real as opposed to the much later risk-neutral ones. See Samuelson (1995)
Where would we be without stochastic or It calculus? (Some people even think finance is only about It calculus.) Kiyosi It showed the relationship between a stochastic differential equation for some independent variable and the stochastic differential equation for a function of that variable. One of the starting points for classical derivatives theory is the lognormal stochastic differential equation for the evolution of an asset. It's lemma tells us the stochastic differential equation for the value of an option on that asset.
In mathematical terms, if we have a Wiener process with increments that are normally distributed with mean zero and variance dt then the increment of a function is given by
This is a very loose definition of It's lemma but will suffice. See It (1951).
Harry Markowitz was the first to propose a modern quantitative methodology for portfolio selection. This required knowledge of assets' volatilities and the correlation between assets. The idea was extremely elegant, resulting in novel ideas such as 'efficiency' and 'market portfolios'. In this Modern Portfolio Theory, Markowitz showed that combinations of assets could have better properties than any individual assets. What did 'better' mean? Markowitz quantified a portfolio's possible future performance in terms of its expected return and its standard deviation. The latter was to be interpreted as its risk. He showed how to optimize a portfolio to give the maximum expected return for a given level of risk. Such a portfolio was said to be `efficient'. The work later won Markowitz a Nobel Prize for Economics but is rarely used in practice because of the difficulty in measuring the parameters volatility, and especially correlation, and their instability.
William Sharpe of Stanford, John Lintner of Harvard and Norwegian economist Jan Mossin independently developed a simple model for pricing risky assets. This Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) also reduced the number of parameters needed for portfolio selection from those needed by Markowitz's Modern Portfolio Theory,
Eugene Fama concluded that stock prices were unpredictable and coined the phrase 'market efficiency'. Although there are various forms of market efficiency, in a nutshell the idea is that stock market prices reflect all publicly available information, that no person can gain an edge over another by fair means. See Fama (1966).
Many people were associated with the definition and development of quasi random number theory or low-discrepancy sequence theory. The subject concerns the distribution of points in an arbitrary number of dimensions so as to cover the space as efficiently as possible, with as few points as possible. The methodology is used in the evaluation of multiple integrals among other things. These ideas would find a use in finance almost three decades later. See Sobol (1967), Faure (1969), Hammersley and Handscomb (1964), Haselgrove (1961) and Halton (1960).
Ed Thorp's first claim to fame was that he figured out how to win at casino Blackjack, ideas that were put into practice by Thorp himself and written about in his best-selling Beat the Dealer, the 'book that made Las Vegas change its rules'. His second claim to fame is that he invented and built, with Claude Shannon, the information theorist, the world's first wearable computer. His third claim to fame is that he was the first to use the 'correct' formula for pricing options, formula that were rediscovered and originally published several years later by the next three people on our list. Thorp used these formula to make a fortune for himself and his clients in the first ever quantitative finance-based hedge fund. See Thorp (2002) for the story behind the discovery of the Black-Scholes formula.
Fischer Black, Myron Scholes and Robert Merton derived the Black-Scholes equation for options in the early seventies, publishing it in two separate papers in 1973 (Black & Scholes, 1973, and Merton, 1973). The date corresponded almost exactly with the trading of call options on the Chicago Board Options Exchange. Scholes and Merton won the Nobel Prize for Economics in 1997. Black had died in 1995.
In 1974 Robert Merton (Merton, 1974) introduced the idea of modelling the value of a company as a call option on its assets, with the company's debt being related to the strike price and the maturity of the debt being the option's expiration. Thus was born the structural approach to modelling risk of default, for if the option expired out of the money (i.e. assets had less value than the debt at maturity) then the firm would have to go bankrupt.
Credit risk became big, huge, in the 1990s. Theory and practice progressed at rapid speed during this period, urged on by some significant credit-led events, such as the Long Term Capital Management mess. One of the principals of LTCM was Merton who had worked on credit risk two decades earlier. Now the subject really took off, not just along the lines proposed by Merton but also using the Poisson process as the model for the random arrival of an event, such as bankruptcy or default. For a list of key research in this area see Schönbucher (2003).
Phelim Boyle related the pricing of options to the simulation of random asset paths. He showed how to find the fair value of an option by generating lots of possible future paths for an asset and then looking at the average that the option had paid off. The future important role of Monte Carlo simulations in finance was assured. See Boyle (1977).
So far quantitative finance hadn't had much to say about pricing interest rate products. Some people were using equity option formula for pricing interest rate options, but a consistent framework for interest rates had not been developed. This was addressed by Vasicek. He started by modelling a short-term interest rate as a random walk and concluded that interest rate derivatives could be valued using equations similar to the Black-Scholes partial differential equation.
1979-81 Harrison, Kreps, Pliska Until these three came onto the scene quantitative finance was the domain of either economists or applied mathematicians. Mike Harrison and David Kreps, in 1979, showed the relationship between option prices and advanced probability theory, originally in discrete time. Harrison and Stan Pliska in 1981 used the same ideas but in continuous time. From that moment until the mid 1990s applied mathematicians hardly got a look in. Theorem, proof everywhere you looked. See Harrison and Kreps (1979) and Harrison and Pliska (1981).
One of the problems with the Vasicek framework for interest rate derivative products was that
it didn't give very good prices for bonds, the simplest of fixed income products. If the model couldn't even get bond prices right, how could it hope to correctly value bond options? Thomas Ho and Sang-Bin Lee found a way around this, introducing the idea of yield curve fitting or calibration. See Ho and Lee (1986).
Although Ho and Lee showed how to match theoretical and market prices for simple bonds, the methodology was rather cumbersome and not easily generalized. David Heath, Robert Jarrow and Andrew Morton took a different approach. Instead of modelling just a short rate and deducing the whole yield curve, they modelled the random evolution of the whole yield curve. The initial yield curve, and hence the value of simple interest rate instruments, was an input
to the model. The model cannot easily be expressed in differential equation terms and so relies on either Monte Carlo simulation or tree building. The work was well known via a working paper, but was finally published, and therefore made respectable in Heath, Jarrow and Morton (1992).
Financial Stability Board (FSB) "Monitoring of FinTech"
The FSB understands FinTech as technologically enabled innovation in financial services that could result in new business models, applications, processes or products with an associated material effect on financial markets and institutions and the provision of financial services.
Financial technology (Fintech) is used to describe new tech that seeks to improve and automate the delivery and use of financial services.
CFA ® Program Curriculum
In its broadest sense, the term “fintech” generally refers to technology-driven innovation occurring in the financial services industry. For the purposes of this reading, fintech refers to technological innovation in the design and delivery of financial services and products.
Fintech=A(rtificial Intelligence)+B(igData)+C(loud Computing)+D(LT)+M(obile Internet)+I(oT)+X
Fintech应用领域:CFA ® Program Curriculum
Big Data (4v)
Data Science