Financial engineering is the application of mathematical methods to the solution of problems in finance. It is also known as financial mathematics, mathematical finance, and computational finance.
Financial engineering draws on tools from applied mathematics, computer science, statistics, and economic theory.
Investment banks, commercial banks, hedge funds, insurance companies, corporate treasuries, and regulatory agencies employ financial engineers.
These businesses apply the methods of financial engineering to such problems as new product development, derivative securities valuation, portfolio structuring, risk management, and scenario simulation.
Quantitative analysis has brought innovation, efficiency and rigor to financial markets and to the investment process.
As the pace of financial innovation accelerates, the need for highly qualified people with specific training in financial engineering continues to grow in all market environments.
证券投资学,公司金融,商业银行业务与经营,国际金融,金融风险管理 | 金融机构与金融市场,商业银行业务与经营,国际金融,中央银行学,金融中介学,金融市场学,货币金融史,信托与租赁,国际贸易,国际结算,国际投资,金融经济学,公司金融,固定收益证券,金融工程学,金融衍生工具,金融计量学,常微分方程,应用随机过程,实变函数,数理金融,金融时间序列分析,金融统计分析,投资银行学,投资组合管理,项目评估与管理,资产评估,投资价值分析与评估,房地产金融与投资,证券投资技术分析,金融产品设计,期货与期权,金融伦理学,金融心理学,银行会计,保险学原理,保险精算学,人身保险,财产保险,保险经济学,保险法,再保险,保险会计,社会保障学,保险经营管理学,保险营销学,利息理论,信用经济学,信用管理学,信用评级,征信理论与实务,信用风险度量方法,企业信用管理,消费者信用管理,金融机构信用管理等。 | |
证券投资学,公司金融,金融工程学,金融计量学,金融风险管理 | ||
保险学原理,风险管理,保险精算学,人身保险,财产保险 | ||
证券投资学,公司金融,投资银行学,项目评估与管理,金融风险管理 | ||
常微分方程,应用随机过程,证券投资学,金融风险管理,金融经济学 | ||
信用经济学,信用管理学,金融风险管理,信用评级,征信理论与实务 | ||
证券投资学,公司金融,金融经济学,金融机构与金融市场,国际金融 |
来源: Beder T S, Marshall C M. Financial engineering: the evolution of a profession[M]. John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
金融工程与大数据来源: Nagel S. Machine learning in asset pricing[M]. Princeton University Press, 2021. |
来源: 2020 CFA Program curriculum Reading 8
Source: Beder T S, Marshall C M. Financial engineering: the evolution of a profession[M]. John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
来源: 艾媒智库
来源: 同道猎聘
来源: 智联招聘|智联校园
我校的金融工程专业 |
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