In this example we show how to do portfolio optimization using CVXPY. We begin with the basic definitions. In portfolio optimization we have some amount of money to invest in any of $n$ different assets. We choose what fraction $w_i$ of our money to invest in each asset $i$, $i=1, \ldots, n$.
We call $w\in {\bf R}^n$ the portfolio allocation vector. We of course have the constraint that ${\mathbf 1}^T w =1$. The allocation $w_i<0$ means a short position in asset $i$, or that we borrow shares to sell now that we must replace later. The allocation $w \geq 0$ is a long only portfolio. The quantity $$ \|w \|_1 = {\mathbf 1}^T w_+ + {\mathbf 1}^T w_- $$ is known as leverage.
We will only model investments held for one period. The initial prices are $p_i > 0$. The end of period prices are $p_i^+ >0$. The asset (fractional) returns are $r_i = (p_i^+-p_i)/p_i$. The porfolio (fractional) return is $R = r^Tw$.
A common model is that $r$ is a random variable with mean ${\bf E}r = \mu$ and covariance ${\bf E{(r-\mu)(r-\mu)^T}} = \Sigma$. It follows that $R$ is a random variable with ${\bf E}R = \mu^T w$ and ${\bf var}(R) = w^T\Sigma w$. ${\bf E}R$ is the (mean) return of the portfolio. ${\bf var}(R)$ is the risk of the portfolio. (Risk is also sometimes given as ${\bf std}(R) = \sqrt{{\bf var}(R)}$.)
Portfolio optimization has two competing objectives: high return and low risk.
Classical (Markowitz) portfolio optimization solves the optimization problem
\begin{array}{ll} \mbox{maximize} & \mu^T w - \gamma w^T\Sigma w\\ \mbox{subject to} & {\bf 1}^T w = 1, \quad w \in {\cal W}, \end{array}where $w \in {\bf R}^n$ is the optimization variable, $\cal W$ is a set of allowed portfolios (e.g., ${\cal W} = {\bf R}_+^n$ for a long only portfolio), and $\gamma >0$ is the risk aversion parameter.
The objective $\mu^Tw - \gamma w^T\Sigma w$ is the risk-adjusted return. Varying $\gamma$ gives the optimal risk-return trade-off. We can get the same risk-return trade-off by fixing return and minimizing risk.
In the following code we compute and plot the optimal risk-return trade-off for $10$ assets, restricting ourselves to a long only portfolio.
# Generate data for long only portfolio optimization.
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
n = 10
mu = np.abs(np.random.randn(n, 1))
Sigma = np.random.randn(n, n)
Sigma =
# Long only portfolio optimization.
import cvxpy as cp
w = cp.Variable(n)
gamma = cp.Parameter(nonneg=True)
ret = mu.T@w
risk = cp.quad_form(w, Sigma)
prob = cp.Problem(cp.Maximize(ret - gamma*risk),
[cp.sum(w) == 1,
w >= 0])
# Compute trade-off curve.
risk_data = np.zeros(SAMPLES)
ret_data = np.zeros(SAMPLES)
gamma_vals = np.logspace(-2, 3, num=SAMPLES)
for i in range(SAMPLES):
gamma.value = gamma_vals[i]
risk_data[i] = cp.sqrt(risk).value
ret_data[i] = ret.value
# Plot long only trade-off curve.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg'
markers_on = [29, 40]
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
plt.plot(risk_data, ret_data, 'g-')
for marker in markers_on:
plt.plot(risk_data[marker], ret_data[marker], 'bs')
ax.annotate(r"$\gamma = %.2f$" % gamma_vals[marker], xy=(risk_data[marker]+.08, ret_data[marker]-.03))
for i in range(n):
plt.plot(cp.sqrt(Sigma[i,i]).value, mu[i], 'ro')
plt.xlabel('Standard deviation')
We plot below the return distributions for the two risk aversion values marked on the trade-off curve. Notice that the probability of a loss is near 0 for the low risk value and far above 0 for the high risk value.
# Plot return distributions for two points on the trade-off curve.
import scipy.stats as spstats
for midx, idx in enumerate(markers_on):
gamma.value = gamma_vals[idx]
x = np.linspace(-2, 5, 1000)
plt.plot(x, spstats.norm.pdf(x, ret.value, risk.value), label=r"$\gamma = %.2f$" % gamma.value)
plt.legend(loc='upper right')
There are many other possible portfolio constraints besides the long only constraint. With no constraint (${\cal W} = {\bf R}^n$), the optimization problem has a simple analytical solution. We will look in detail at a leverage limit, or the constraint that $\|w \|_1 \leq L^\mathrm{max}$.
Another interesting constraint is the market neutral constraint $m^T \Sigma w =0$, where $m_i$ is the capitalization of asset $i$. $M = m^Tr$ is the market return, and $m^T \Sigma w = {\bf cov}(M,R)$. The market neutral constraint ensures that the portfolio return is uncorrelated with the market return.
In the following code we compute and plot optimal risk-return trade-off curves for leverage limits of 1, 2, and 4. Notice that more leverage increases returns and allows greater risk.
# Portfolio optimization with leverage limit.
Lmax = cp.Parameter()
prob = cp.Problem(cp.Maximize(ret - gamma*risk),
[cp.sum(w) == 1,
cp.norm(w, 1) <= Lmax])
# Compute trade-off curve for each leverage limit.
L_vals = [1, 2, 4]
risk_data = np.zeros((len(L_vals), SAMPLES))
ret_data = np.zeros((len(L_vals), SAMPLES))
gamma_vals = np.logspace(-2, 3, num=SAMPLES)
w_vals = []
for k, L_val in enumerate(L_vals):
for i in range(SAMPLES):
Lmax.value = L_val
gamma.value = gamma_vals[i]
risk_data[k, i] = cp.sqrt(risk).value
ret_data[k, i] = ret.value
# Plot trade-off curves for each leverage limit.
for idx, L_val in enumerate(L_vals):
plt.plot(risk_data[idx,:], ret_data[idx,:], label=r"$L^{\max}$ = %d" % L_val)
for w_val in w_vals:
w.value = w_val
plt.plot(cp.sqrt(risk).value, ret.value, 'bs')
plt.xlabel('Standard deviation')
plt.legend(loc='lower right')
We next examine the points on each trade-off curve where $w^T\Sigma w = 2$. We plot the amount of each asset held in each portfolio as bar graphs. (Negative holdings indicate a short position.) Notice that some assets are held in a long position for the low leverage portfolio but in a short position in the higher leverage portfolios.
# Portfolio optimization with a leverage limit and a bound on risk.
prob = cp.Problem(cp.Maximize(ret),
[cp.sum(w) == 1,
cp.norm(w, 1) <= Lmax,
risk <= 2])
# Compute solution for different leverage limits.
for k, L_val in enumerate(L_vals):
Lmax.value = L_val
w_vals.append( w.value )
# Plot bar graph of holdings for different leverage limits.
colors = ['b', 'g', 'r']
indices = np.argsort(mu.flatten())
for idx, L_val in enumerate(L_vals):,n+1) + 0.25*idx - 0.375, w_vals[idx][indices], color=colors[idx],
label=r"$L^{\max}$ = %d" % L_val, width = 0.25)
plt.ylabel(r"$w_i$", fontsize=16)
plt.xlabel(r"$i$", fontsize=16)
plt.xlim([1-0.375, 10+.375])