1981: James Tobin “for his analysis of financial markets and their relations to expenditure decisions, employment, production and prices”.
1985: Franco Modigliani “for his pioneering analyses of saving and of financial markets”.
1990: Harry M. Markowitz, Merton H. Miller and William F. Sharpe “for their pioneering work in the theory of financial economics”.
1997: Robert C. Merton and Myron S. Scholes “for a new method to determine the value of derivatives”.
2003: Robert F. Engle III “for methods of analyzing economic time series with time-varying volatility (ARCH)”. Clive W.J. Granger “for methods of analyzing economic time series with common trends (cointegration)”
2013: Eugene F. Fama, Lars Peter Hansen and Robert J. Shiller “for their empirical analysis of asset prices”.
2017: Richard H. Thaler “for his contributions to behavioural economics”.
金融工程(Financial Engineering)=金融(Finance)+工程(Engineering)
- 利用基本的材料、工具、部件、器材、结构
- 在相关基础理论的指导下、按照某(些)种工艺、技术进行组合、装配
- 实现一定的功能、满足特定需求、解决具体问题
Financial engineering is the application of science-based mathematical models to decisions about saving, investing, borrowing, lending, and managing risk. -- by Zvi Bodie
- 金融工程是金融理论与工程方法的结合
- 金融工程不是一个工程学科
- 金融工程的发展基于现代金融理论
- 金融工程是一个应用学科
Financial engineering is the application of mathematical methods to the solution of problems in finance. It is also known as financial mathematics, mathematical finance, and computational finance.
Financial engineering draws on tools from applied mathematics, computer science, statistics, and economic theory.
Investment banks, commercial banks, hedge funds, insurance companies, corporate treasuries, and regulatory agencies employ financial engineers.
These businesses apply the methods of financial engineering to such problems as new product development, derivative securities valuation, portfolio structuring, risk management, and scenario simulation.
Quantitative analysis has brought innovation, efficiency and rigor to financial markets and to the investment process.
As the pace of financial innovation accelerates, the need for highly qualified people with specific training in financial engineering continues to grow in all market environments.
- 资产定价(基础资产、衍生工具、复杂的结构化产品)
- 组合管理/优化
- 风险管理
- 存在两个不同的资产组合,它们的未来现金流相同,但它们的成本却不同
- 存在两个成本相同的组合,第一个组合在所有可能状态下的现金流都不低于第二个组合,而且至少存在一种状态,在此状态下第一个组合的现金流大于第二个组合
- 一个组合的成本为零,但在所有可能状态下,这个组合的损益都不小于零,而且至少存在一种状态,在此状态下这个组合的损益要大于零
- 买入被低估的资产(组合),卖出被高估的资产(组合)
- 通过融资/融券使初始投资为零
- 在期末获得正的利润
- 现代投资组合理论:Markowitz (1952)
- 资本资产定价模型:Sharpe (1964),Lintner (1964),Treynor (1964)
- 期权定价理论:Black and Scholes (1973)
- 信息技术与计算能力的发展(计算机、互联网、并行计算、云计算)
- 最优化理论与算法的进展
- 大数据、人工智能
- 大数据(4v)
- Volume: The amount of data collected in files, records, and tables is very large, representing many millions, or even billions, of data points (GB->TB->PB->EB->ZB).
- Velocity: The speed with which the data are communicated is extremely great. Real- time or near- real- time data have become the norm in many areas.
- Variety: The data are collected from many different sources and in a variety of formats, including structured data (e.g., SQL tables or CSV files), semi-structured data (e.g., HTML code), and unstructured data (e.g., video messages).
- Value: Low value density.
- 几乎没有金融工程的本科项目
- 有许多(授课式/专业型)硕士研究生项目 (Financial Engineering, Quantitative Finance, Mathematical Finance, Financial Mathematics)
- 有一些博士项目专注该领域
- 学位由工程学院、数学系、统计系、运筹与管理科学系等院系授予
- Ranking & Placement: Quantnet Ranking, Program Websites, LinkedIn
- 经济学与金融学
- 数学、理论物理
- 运筹学与统计学
- 信息理论、编程
- 火箭科学家、应用数学家、运筹学、计算机科学家
- 金融工程项目的毕业生

A derivative can be defined as a financial instrument whose value depends on (or derives from) the values of other, more basic, underlying variables(标的变量).
- It is a kind of security(证券)
- It is a contracts(合约、契约), physically
Then, what are the underlying variables?
- It can be interest rate, exchange rate, stock price, etc.
- It can be a derivative
- It can even be something like weather
- 利率衍生工具
- 汇率衍生工具
- 权益衍生工具
- 信用衍生工具
- 其他新型衍生工具.
- Agreement to buy or sell an asset for a certain price at a certain time
- Elements of a forward: underlying variable, the nominal amount(名义金额、面额), maturity(到期日), forward price(远期价格), etc.
- Forward price: The forward price for a contract is the delivery price(交割价格) that would be applicable to the contract if were negotiated today (i.e., it is the delivery price that would make the contract worth exactly zero)
- The forward price may be different for contracts of different maturities
- Terms of a forward contract rely on the bilateral agreements
- On July 20, 2007 the treasurer of a corporation enters into a long forward contract to buy £1 million in six months at an exchange rate of 2.0489
- This obligates the corporation to pay $2,048,900 for £1 million on January 20, 2008
- What are the possible outcomes?
- Similar to forward contract
- Whereas a forward contract is traded OTC, a futures contract is traded on an exchange
- Exchanges Trading Futures
- Chicago Board of Trade
- Chicago Mercantile Exchange
- LIFFE (London)
- Eurex (Europe)
- BM&F (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
- TIFFE (Tokyo)
- and many more (see list at end of book)
Agreement to:
- Buy 100 oz. of gold @ US$900/oz. in December (NYMEX)
- Sell £62,500 @ 2.0500 US$/\pounds\ in March (CME)
- Sell 1,000 bbl. of oil @ US$120/bbl. in April (NYMEX)
- Exchange-traded markets (场内交易市场)
- Over-the-Counter (OTC) Markets (场外交易市场)
- 交易品种包括:强麦、普麦、棉花、白糖、 PTA 、菜籽油、早籼稻、甲醇、玻璃、油菜籽、动力煤、粳稻、晚籼稻、铁合金
- 交易品种包括:农产品(玉米、玉米淀粉、黄大豆 1 号、黄大豆 2 号、豆粕、豆油、棕榈油、纤维板、胶合板、鸡蛋),工业品(聚乙烯、聚氯乙烯、聚丙烯、焦炭、焦煤、铁矿石),期权(豆粕期权),期货指数(农产品、铁矿石、豆粕、油脂、油料、饲料类、更多),现货指数(温度指数、环渤海动力煤价格指数、中国塑料价格指数)
- 交易品种包括:铜、铝、锌、铅、镍、锡、黄金、白银、螺纹钢、线材、热轧卷板、燃料油、石油沥青、天然橡胶
- 交易品种包括:沪深 300 股指期货、中证 500 股指期货、上证 50 股指期货、 5 年期国债期货、 10 年期国债期货
- To hedge (对冲) risks
- To speculate(投机): take a view on the future direction of the market)
- To lock in an arbitrage(套利) profit
- To change the nature of a liability
- To change the nature of an investment without incurring the costs of selling one portfolio and buying another
- 投资人根据其对某一项资产未来价值走势的判断而持有的买入或者卖出该资产的立场
多方头寸(Long Position)
- 如果投资人看涨某项资产,那么投资人会买入该项资产,以期在未来获利
空方头寸(Short Position)
- 投资人认为某项资产的价格未来可能下跌,因而卖出了该项资产,以期在未来获利
卖空(Short Sell)
- 银行、证券公司、基金公司、保险公司、工商企业、个人
- 交易所
- 交易结算机构
- 经纪公司、经纪人
- 交易商
- 客户
- 套期保值者 (Hedgers)
- 投机者 (Speculators)
- 套利者 (Arbitrageurs)
- A US company will pay \pounds10 million for imports from Britain in 3 months and decides to hedge using a long position in a forward contract
- An investor owns 1,000 Microsoft shares currently worth $28 per share. A two-month put with a strike price of $27.50 costs $1. The investor decides to hedge by buying 10 contracts
- An investor with $2,000 to invest feels that a stock price will increase over the next 2 months. The current stock price is $20 and the price of a 2-month call option with a strike of 22.50 is $1
- What are the alternative strategies?
Gold Price
Suppose that:
- The spot price of gold is US$900
- The 1-year forward price of gold is US$1,020
- The 1-year US$ interest rate is 5% per annum(每年)
Is there an arbitrage opportunity?
Suppose that:
- The spot price of gold is US$900
- The 1-year forward price of gold is US$900
- The 1-year US$ interest rate is 5% per annum
Is there an arbitrage opportunity?
The Forward Price of Gold
If the spot price of gold is S and the forward price for a contract deliverable in T years is F, then
where r is the 1-year (domestic currency) risk-free rate of interest. In our examples, S=900, T=1, and r=0.05 so that
Oil Price
Suppose that:
- The spot price of oil is US$95
- The quoted 1-year futures price of oil is US$125
- The 1-year US$ interest rate is 5% per annum
- The storage costs of oil are 2% per annum
Is there an arbitrage opportunity?
Suppose that:
- The spot price of oil is US$95
- The quoted 1-year futures price of oil is US$80
- The 1-year US$ interest rate is 5% per annum
- The storage costs of oil are 2% per annum
Is there an arbitrage opportunity?
Stock Price
- A stock price is quoted as \pounds100 in London and $200 in New York
- The current exchange rate is 2.0300
- What is the arbitrage opportunity?
- 教材pp18:2,3,4,6
- 线上练习(自愿练习)

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