====== AI Robo-Advisor with Big Data Analytics for Financial Services ====== 对本文的总体评价为:分 可参考以下标准: * 5分:佳作、开创性成果 * 4分:合格的优秀论文、可直接接收发表 * 3分:小改(Minor)后可接收 * 2分:需要大改(Major) * 1分:价值有限,即使修改后亦不能发表 * 0分:本wiki不收录0分的论文。。。 ===== 文献基本信息 ===== ==== 标题 ==== AI Robo-Advisor with Big Data Analytics for Financial Services ==== 作者 ==== - Min-Yuh Day - Tun-Kung Cheng - Jheng-Gang Li ==== 出版年份 ==== 2018 ==== 来源 ==== IEEE ==== 关键词 ==== ==== 摘要 ==== Robo-Advisors has been growing attraction from the financial industry for offering financial services by using algorithms and acting as like human advisors to support investors making investment decisions. During the investment planning stage, portfolio optimization plays a crucial role, especially for the medium and long-term investors, in determining the allocation weight of assets to achieve the balance between investors expectation return and risk tolerance. The literature on the topic of portfolio optimization has been offering plenty of theoretical and practical guidance for implementing the theory; however, there is a paucity of studies focusing on the applications which are designed for Robo-Advisors. In this research, we proposed a modular system and focused on integrating big data analysis, deep learning method and the Black-Litterman model to generate asset allocation weight. We developed a portfolio optimization module which takes the information from a variety of sources, such as stocks prices, investor profile and the other alternative data, and used them as input to calculate optimal weights of assets in the portfolio. The module we developed could be used as a sub-system for Robe-Advisors, which offers a customized optimal portfolio based on investors preference. ==== 引用方式 ==== Day, Min-Yuh, Tun-Kung Cheng, and Jheng-Gang Li. "AI Robo-Advisor with Big Data Analytics for Financial Services." In 2018 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), pp. 1027-1031. IEEE, 2018. ==== 链接 ==== - https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/8508854 - https://eyun.baidu.com/s/3htdkkVM ===== 评阅意见 ===== ==== 文献简介 ==== 1. 论文是关于什么的?[请提供该论文的简要摘要。] ==== 文献评价 ==== 2. 这篇论文的长处和短处是什么?[请以以下角度评述:(a)创新(研究问题、建模、方法等);(b)相关性(研究问题、发现等);(c)严谨性(适当的方法、分析的正确性等)] === 创新性 === 研究问题、建模、方法等 === 相关性 === 研究问题、发现 === 严谨性 === 适当的方法、分析的正确性等 ==== 需改改进之处 ==== 3.如果有的话,潜在改进的主要地方是什么?[如果这些关键要求和建议能够被适当处理,请重点关注能使文章发表的关键要求和建议。如果你看到不可逾越的障碍,请清楚地描述你的担忧。如果能为编辑和作者提供具体有建设性的意见最好不过了,并在可能的情况下,提出可行的建议。同样,应避免含糊不清和/或含糊不清的批评。] ==== 需要小改的地方 ==== 4.如果有的话,潜在改进的微小地方是什么?[再次,请具体说明。] ==== 进一步研究的可能与方向 ==== 5.有没有机会做一项新的研究? ==== 其他评价 ====